Click here for Submission Guidelines for both juried and non-juried exhibitions. LANDRAU-PARTAN GALLERY: Exhibitions in this gallery are by invitation. Ideas for exhibitions can be submitted to for consideration by the Executive Director. SIGEL GALLERY: This gallery is for rent by individual members or small groups of members. Contact the executive director at for more information.
2025 Hermann Gallery Exhibition Schedule
January: Nature’s Beauty (January 10 – February 3)
All Media. ONE piece only.
Receiving: January 7 (pickup artwork February 4)
Reception: January 10 (4:00 – 6:00 pm)
Artists are encouraged to use any medium or a variety of mediums to create work inspired by the natural world. Subject matter could reflect any aspect of the natural world and could include references to weather and/or climate change. Work may include the use of earth pigments to color or dye.
February: Empowerment (In honor of Black History Month (February 7 – March 3)
All Media. ONE piece only.
Receiving: February 4 (pickup artwork March 4)
Reception: February 7 (4:00 – 6:00 pm)
Empowerment can refer to the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. We are looking for artwork inspired by empowerment in your own life or the world at large. Explore your own lifestyle, job, religion, observations, race, gender roles, and/or life experiences and create a piece of art in any medium that speaks to empowerment in your life. This will create a show reflecting the diversity of our community. Additionally, in February, Falmouth Art Center’s Book Club will discuss artist Betye Saar’s book, “The Heart of a Wanderer,” which celebrates diversity and empowerment.
Here is a quote by Betye Saar to inspire you: “It is my goal as an artist to create works that expose injustice and reveal beauty. The rainbow is literally a spectrum of color while spiritually a symbol of hope and promise.”
March: Think Big or Think Small (March 7 – March 31)
All Media. ONE piece only.
Receiving: March 4 (pickup artwork March 26)
Reception: March 7 (4:00 – 6:00 pm)
Make art outside your typical size preferences. Avoid mid size artwork. Only works smaller than 8 x 10 (not including frame) or bigger than 18 x 24 (not including frame) not to exceed width of 40 inches.
April: Interpreting the History of Art (April 4 – April 28)
All Media. ONE piece only.
Receiving: April 1 (pickup artwork April 29)
Reception: April 4 (4:00 pm – 6:00 pm)
Focus on a favorite period or time in art history and be inspired. From Cave paintings, to Illuminated Manuscripts, to the Renaissance, Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art and beyond, allow your work to be inspired by one style in art history.
May: JURIED PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT (Digital Entry only) (May 2 – June 2)
JPEGS due by March 7
Receiving for accepted works: April 29 (pickup artwork June 3)
Reception: May 9 (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
June: Transitions in New England (June 6 – June 30)
All mediums welcome. ONE piece only.
Receiving: June 3 (pickup artwork July 1)
Reception: June 6 (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
This is the time of year when there are lots of changes in New England, and especially the Cape; seasonal changes; School lets out and summer arrives. It’s also a time when our landscape and village life changes.
July: SUMMER JURIED SHOW (July 5 – July 28) (Digital Entry only)
Prospectus TBA. JPEG entries due by Friday, May 9
Receiving for accepted works: July 1 (pickup artwork July 29)
Reception: July 11 (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
August: MEMBERS’ BLUE RIBBON (July 31 -September 1)
Falmouth Art Center members only–One piece only, any media.
Receiving: July 29 (pickup artwork September 2)
Reception: August 8 (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
September: AUTUMN JURIED EXHIBITION (September 5 – September 29)
Featuring Petals & Palettes: Creations by the Falmouth Garden Club to complement the works in the exhibit.
Receiving: September 2 (pickup artwork September 30)
Reception: September 12 (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Prospectus TBA
October: JURIED ABSTRACT EXHIBITION (October 3 – October 27)
Receiving: September 30 (pickup artwork October 28)
Reception: October 10 (4:00 pm – 6:00 pm)
Prospectus TBA
November: Falmouth Public Schools Student Art (October 31 – November 17)
2 week show, student artwork curated by art teachers in the Falmouth Public School system (not open to direct submission to the Falmouth Art Center)