Wednesdays, April 2 – June 11 (Class will not meet on April 23)
9:00 am to 12:00pm (10 Weeks)
This class is for intermediate/advanced ceramics students. We do two things in this class – we work at making better pots for the art center’s high-fire gas kiln and we learn about the women and men who made pots before us. (Three things, actually. We also have fun.) Hollis has been making pots more than thirty years. Along the way he has met and learned from people like Dan Finnegan, Lisa Hammond, Phil Rogers, Hannah McAndrew, Jan McKeachie Johnston and Takashi Nakazato. We start each class by looking at and handling pots from these people, from Hollis’s kitchen cabinets. You’ll learn from all of them. And many more. Join us.
Bring an apron or an old towel to protect your clothes. We sell sturdy aprons in red, black and tan at Falmouth Art Center for $28 if you need to purchase one.
Scholarship Information
The Falmouth Art Center is very proud to have a scholarship fund supported by donations from members and friends. It is available for both children and adults who have a great desire to create art. Applications should be submitted to Laura Reckford, Executive Director of the Falmouth Art Center. If you have questions about our scholarship program, email us at or call the art center at 508-540-3304.
Scholarship Information and Forms
Refund policy:
Refunds will not be given within one week of the start of a class. Classes are not pro-rated, and there are no makeups for missed classes. A $25 processing fee is withheld from all refunds.
The Art Center reserves the right to cancel any class or workshop due to insufficient enrollment, in which case tuition will be fully refunded.
If Falmouth Public Schools are closed due to weather conditions, we will be closed and the missed classes will be rescheduled.